Due to the artisan nature of the work, it may be that some pieces are not readily available. Therefore, once your order is created, we will contact you via email to determine the shipping time of your piece, which might oscillate between 1 to 4 weeks for retail orders not in stock. For wholesale inquiries please go to our wholesale catalogue
Shipping price is quoted based on a standard tabulator according to your zip code if you are within America. For overseas shipping, please contact us directly for us to quote the shipping for your specific location.
Please note that Ila Ceramica does not take charge of any additional costs that may occur in your order due to customs or handling fees.
For single pieces, our damage policies covers 100% of your piece if you are within America. For overseas single pieces, although we do our best to pack your pieces according to the highest standards, we can not take responsibility of how the package is handled once it leaves our location, specially if the package is opened through customs. However, we cover 30% of total cost for any damaged piece. Do keep in mind that for less than 3 pieces, we have never had any issue of pieces arriving damaged, wherever they are going.
Although shipping companies tend to be diligent and efficient in their job, sometimes things can get lost. If this happens with your order, we have to give a period of 1 month for the company to solve this situation as often packages do appear and get delivered.
If your package is time sensitive, we can send you another piece before the month goes by (with corresponding charges) and proceed with refund once the original piece appears or after a month has gone by.
However, If within this window of time there is no notice of your package, we will send you another piece with no charge. We will follow up with the lost package and in case it eventually appears, we will follow up with you and the company for the return.
Once the delivery is confirmed by the shipping company the client has 24 hours to raise any disclaimer in case the pieces where not actually delivered. Outside this time frame Ila Ceramica will not be responsible for any issue regarding stolen packages or any other situation.
All the materials we use for packaging are recyclable or bio degradable, please give these materials a second use where possible.
We prepare our clay bodies from locally and nationally sourced mining. For our One of a Kind collection we are working on transitioning to self dug clay from inmediate surroundings.
We have erradicated some toxic materials or intensive mining dependent minerals such as:
Chromium Oxide
Barium Carbonate
Lithium Carbonate
Cobalt Oxide
All of our studio is solar-powered and our water faucets all have water-savers. We also use a sink trap that allows us to reuse water multiple times and recycle the material that is collected there.